Welcome to Travel in Ecuador. Here you will find all you need to know about Ecuador.
Traveling to Ecuador is a great way to discover South America. Often tourists prefer to go to the neighboring countries, but the beautiful nature of Ecuador is so diverse and incredibly beautiful. Certainly, you should visit the Galapagos Islands once in a lifetime!
There are different types of vacations you can book to Ecuador. You can decide only to visit the mainland, just the Galapagos Islands, or do both. Ecuador is easily accessible by air, or you can cross the border from Colombia or Peru. A big common denominator is that a vacation to Ecuador is often an active vacation.
Ecuador mounts on the equator on the west coast of South America. The distance between cities is relatively small, making it easier to travel around in a shorter time. Ecuador has a little over 17.5 million inhabitants, of which one-third live in the two biggest cities. This means an incredible amount of space consists of beautiful landscapes with diverse flora and fauna. On travelinecuador.com, you can find many tips and suggestions to find the most beautiful places in the country.